Benefits of Kiwi Fruit  

10 Mar 2011

Kiwi si Cantik Asam yang Sarat KhasiatBenefits of Kiwi Fruit 

The fruit is fuzzy brown skin has a beautiful green flesh fruits. The dominant taste acidic because it is rich in vitamin C. Apparently there are many other properties of kiwi devastating for health!

If you are one who like a fruit with a sour taste, kiwi fruit would have instantly become a favorite. Fruit from New Zealand this was not only good to eat and be decorated cake beautiful, but also contains minerals and vitamins are good for health.

"Kiwi contains vitamins A, C and E are enormous. Vitamin C is water soluble antioxidant yangmampu keep the body from free radicals that enter through air ALSO show food. Avoiding cancer, heart disease, and obesity. Vitamin E also has the benefit that not how far with vitamin C. The difference, of vitamin E are fat soluble, "says Chef DC from Cabannas Bhatt, Tivoli Grand Hotel.
 Benefits of Kiwi Fruit 

Fiber in kiwifruit helps aid digestion, help reduce the risk of diabetes by controlling blood sugar levels. Preventing colon cancer, because the fiber binds toxins and bring it out with feces. Not only that, this fiber also helps you to lower cholesterol.

In some medical journals jugatercatat if kiwi fruit could also prevent the occurrence of asthma and cough in children. Well, if you already know the many benefits of kiwis are you waiting for? Make sure the fruit is fresh green in your diet at least once a week.

Benefits of Kiwi Fruit 

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