Tsunami Japan - Tsunami Alert Japan
11 Mar 2011
The earthquake followed by tsunami in Japan has taken the lives of dozens of people dead and hundreds injured. To anticipate the possibility of bad, the emergence of tsunami warning continues echoed.
Sterly Makalew tell, until around 20:00 pm tsunami aftershocks peringatam will likely continue given the Japanese government through loudspeakers. Residents are also advised to flee to refugee camps.
"Residents are encouraged to flee to refugee camps that have been provided, since currently there is no electricity and the temperature outside pretty cool about 5 degrees Celsius,"
A number of residents who live in Oarai participate refuge to a number of school buildings. There are also sleeping in his car in the parking lot Oarai GIII church.
"Residents in Oarai participate refuge to a number of school buildings is estimated there are about 100 residents and dozens of others fled with the car in the parking lot of church GIII Oarai," he said.
The latest information, at least 60 people were killed in the earthquake and tsunami that occurred at around 12:46 pm. This amount is expected to continue to grow because of the evacuation process is still underway.
Video tsunami japan - Video tsunami japan
@ Tsunami Japan - Tsunami Alert Japan
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