How to maintain healthy nails
5 Mar 2011
How to maintain healthy nails
Here is how to care for your nails:
For those who like to paint nails, do not forget to remove all traces of nail polish left in the beauty nails with cotton wool soaked in liquid paint nails remover.special attention to the corners of the nail, where nail polish lines-lines usually lags behind.
Soak hands in warm soapy water pot laced with a little salt.
Message moisturizing cream into the cuticle (epidermis around the edge of the nail), the entire nail, until the first fingers of the hand joints.
Push or press your cuticles with cuticle stick.
Clean all nails one by one with a soft brush.
Cut nails neatly fit the desired length.
Nail file to smooth so as not to tear and flake easily.
Use the rough side of the nail file to reduce the size of the nail, and subtle side to shape and smooth nail edges
The wild with cuticle scissors cuticle cuter (Cuticle cutter). You also can apply cuticle cleaning fluid (alkaline based liquid laced with a moisturizing ingredient) to nails to further soften dead skin cells that accumulate around the contours of the nail.
Get rid of dirt that is under water at the nails end .Change pan and add a few drops of antiseptic solution.
Apply hand cream and massage all over his hands to get rid of the skin cells are dry or lepas.Ini will improve circulation and allow hands to be taut and smooth when in sentuh.Setelah it, wrap your hands with a soft towel soaked in warm water and relax.
@ How to maintain healthy nails
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