How The Right Bathing Baby  

1 Feb 2011

How The Right Bathing Baby 

Pour cold water into the tub, then add enough hot water until the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius for up to 2 month old baby, then gradually lower the temperature to 27 degrees Celsius for infants over 2 months. Fill the bathtub with water as high as approximately 7.5 cm from the bottom of the tub.

For newborns, first clean the eyes with cotton that has been soaked in boiled water. Clean the baby's eyes from an eye toward the nose tip, Use a different cotton for each eye.

Clean the nostrils too little slowly with cotton buds which have been first dipped in clean water. Replace the cotton wool for each nostril. Be careful, do not put cotton buds in too deep.

Then clean also leaves little ears with cotton buds that have been given the baby oil. Do not insert cotton buds into the ear hole, clean the outer ear only.

Before cleaning the body, gradually open the baby's clothes. At first open upper clothes, diapers or pants and then a baby. ..How The Right Bathing Baby

Clean the baby's genitals and buttocks with a cotton round that has been soaked in water. Clean any pleats.

Then start soaping her hair and baby's entire body, especially the folds of the legs, thighs, hands and neck with baby soap.

Measure the return water temperature in the tub. Then tuck your left hand down the small neck, and then hold tightly to his arm. Sanggahlah neck baby with mother's wrist, and hold his body with the right hand Mother.

Hold your baby and enter into the bathtub. While your left hand supporting his head and holding her arm, her body partially submerged in water. Use the right hand of my mother to clean the soap in the ears, neck, and entire body. Let your child play in water for about 2-5 minutes. If your child is old enough, give a toy boat or duck-horny-bebekan for bathing more enjoyable event.

To clean the back of his body, turn the little body, then corrected his body with your left hand and hold it tightly armpit. Then with your right hand, wipe the back.

After the bath is finished, remove your baby's body from the water, then wrap her body with a towel. As she took her frolic, dry the baby's body by suppressing the stress the baby towel to her body.

After his body is dry, sprinkle baby powder on the chest, abdomen and back, for her fragrant and fresh. Notice every crease and curve especially in the area kemaluaannya. Rub a small crease on the genitals with baby oil.

Finally, put the diaper and baby clothes, and comb your hair with a special comb for baby's hair. When weather permits, call your child walk or bask in the sun in the morning...How The Right Bathing Baby

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