Peanut Dangers And Causes Liver Cancer  

4 Feb 2011

Peanut Dangers And Causes Liver Cancer 

Liver cancer is one type of cancer with high mortality rates. It turned out that in addition to disease caused by hepatitis, liver cancer can also be caused by eating moldy peanuts.

Peanut is kind of nuts that many mixed at various kinds of food. But people should be more careful in choosing and consuming peanuts, especially if there is mold.

"Better not eat peanuts that have been rotten, moldy or has an odd taste when eaten,"

Peanuts are already rotten, moldy or has an odd taste better disposed should not even be forced to eat.

Storage of peanuts that are less well as stacked in a pile and humid conditions can lead to fungus which is known to contain alfatoksin (toxin peanuts).

If someone is eating fungus on peanut continuously or in the long run, it could be a risk factor or trigger the occurrence of liver cancer.

"People should choose and cook their own peanuts that will be consumed, separate the peanuts are already rotten and discarded it better,"

Liver cancer occurs when cells in liver growth and self-division that does not stop, so he formed a collection of cells called tumors. If these tumors are malignant, such as spread to other areas or destroy healthy tissue, it is called with cancer. The time it takes to be a long liver cancer is about 15-25 years. ..Peanut Dangers And Causes Liver Cancer

"Liver cancer is the sixth most common cancer in the world, but a third cause of death. And the countries in Asia is the largest contributor to liver cancer in the world," he added.

Presenting symptoms of liver cancer are nausea, vomiting, weight loss that many in a short time, the pain on the right just below the rib cavity and itching.

"The easiest way to diagnose it is to do an ultrasound or an ultrasound, if found in the bulge can conduct AFP (Alpha-fetoprotein) is a tumor marker in the blood," said the doctor was born in Serang 71 years ago...Peanut Dangers And Causes Liver Cancer

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