How to Treat Dehydration Headache Due  

18 Feb 2011

How to Treat Dehydration Headache Due 

Headaches due to dehydration can also be felt in the front, rear or one side of Head.Tidak rarely felt throughout the head. Usually the pain is getting worse with activities such as down or moving sideways.

Dehydration or loss of body fluids in large quantities can cause a variety of disorders including brain functions such as: decrease in concentration and thinking power. Dehydration also causes headaches both chronic and acute. In severe cases, dehydration can cause a person to pass out even the risk of death.

Headaches due to dehydration can be caused by several factors, such as:

1.Minim water intake, especially after physical exercise and during hot weather.

2.Migrain, throbbing headaches that occur in one or both sides of the head is usually
accompanied by nausea, came shortly after a meal or strenuous activity in hot weather. Sweat
cause the water in the body depleted. ..
How to Treat Dehydration Headache Due

3.Ill intense throbbing head on both sides of the head, appears accompanied by thirst, nausea, fatigue,
sensitive to light and diarrhea. This causes the body loses water supply.

4.Head Ill accompanied chronic thirst and excessive urination at diseases such as
diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, kidney and adrenal gland disorders.

5.Dehidrasi caused by vomiting, diarrhea, heavy menstrual bleeding, burns,
heat stroke, the intake of excessive caffeine and alcohol, diuretic drugs, antihistamine
or calcium channel blockers. ..How to Treat Dehydration Headache Due
All these conditions cause the water in the body and drained

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