How to Stay Positive despite layoffs Affected
6 Feb 2011
How to Stay Positive despite layoffs Affected
One of the risks to employees, who do not like to be readily accepted, is the loss of employment contract or termination of employment . When this situation happens to you, do not ever blame yourself, let alone you have attempted to give the best contribution. Be prepared to face this unpleasant situation by thinking positive and convince yourself, you are still able to re-work.
1. Affected by layoffs not mean you're a loser
Layoff decision was not based on an assessment that you are useless. Never blame yourself when you enter a list of employees affected by layoffs. There's nothing wrong with you. You are special and unique creature. Believe this as part of your self.
2. FLE problem exist in your company
The company was unable to conduct business smoothly and not able to provide benefits to business and employee productivity. The inability of the company, which is why business owners have to cut employees. Never blame yourself for layoffs. If you want to blame the other party as the recovery process themselves from disappointment, The just on executives in companies that are still just got a big salary at the time the company collapsed financially. Many examples of the evidence, how the big companies go bankrupt and more at the expense of employees through layoffs to save his business.
3. Accepting the situation and regain its footing
Attitude accept the worst conditions in the career and work will allow you to overcome this difficult situation. Understand, you, as an employee, has no authority to make decisions in maintaining position. The company's decision to slash the number of employees affected by corporate bureaucracy, including the political motivation of those who have power. When layoffs become the choice company, please accept this bitter reality, give time and attention to yourself, then continue your life....How to Stay Positive despite layoffs Affected
4. Take advantage of severance pay
When deciding layoffs, most companies will provide severance pay. You are entitled to be active on this labor rights. After getting severance pay, prepare yourself to take advantage of these funds in the past the transition. Whatever your decision at a later date, make sure the money is beneficial to the development of your self. Whether used as a reserve fund pending the accepted work at another company? Or do you use to undergo a long business you desire? Make sure this money is utilized in a planned.
5. Your position is better than those who maintained
Try to always see the positive side of each of the conditions that you experience. If you must compare, the employee is no better maintained condition with you. Pressure of work and piles of work to be carried more weight because of the reduced number of workers with the same duty capacity. You are freed from these tasks and more freely seek other opportunities that could improve the income and your career.
6. You have the ability, knowledge, and talents
Employee status is no longer on hand. However, you still have valuable assets, abilities, knowledge, and talents. With this important asset, you can look for other opportunities are far more prosperous. Abilities, talents, experience, knowledge, work ethic, integrity, and ability to force yourself to get a work environment that is more valuable and provide benefit to others. The more helpful you are, the higher the reward that you will receive.
7. Take advantage of this condition to improve the quality of life
Your life may have degenerated into chaotic due to layoffs. However, on the other hand, you are given time and opportunity to improve the quality of life back personal, relationships with family, and also your future career. You need to be grateful for this opportunity because then you can take back your life. Make the best of this golden opportunity.
8. Time to rearrange the personal life and career
Take advantage of this golden opportunity to restructure the future. To motivate yourself, visualize your life and enjoy a prosperous future. Thus, you will be encouraged to develop plans and targets as desired. Everything is possible. So free up your imagination. Pursue what interests and priorities. Follow your intuition and maximize potential. Career and personal life you will be more harmonious. You will undergo what you most want in life. This moment is called the time to achieve life balance. At this time you can enjoy yourself, career, employment, and family relations.
9. Seeking support from others
Not easy to make the transition from exposed to layoffs until later on the move again. Feelings of loneliness can be a hit. You should immediately resolve this unpleasant situation. Many people around you who care. All you need do is ask for help. Your achievement so far not separated from the support of others around you. Establish good communication with people who have given the spirit and motivation, including when your circumstances worse.
10. Select the right people to support you
After all, everyone needs the support or motivation to build from other people around him. When you're slumped because of layoffs, and is trying to rise again, select the person who I can talk to build your own potential. You need the right person to explore the passion, desire, belief, and potential. Objective and honest attitude of your interlocutor is needed....How to Stay Positive despite layoffs Affected
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