How to get Baby Male or Female
11 Jan 2011
How to get Baby Male or Female
Male or female alike. The words we often hear from couples who are waiting for the arrival of baby. But sometimes in their hearts, there is a desire that can not be denied that they have no hope for children born to women or men. Can we design a child born as a male or female? Can!
The first attempt to do, of course pray and ask him directly on the Creator of Life. Alternatively, effort-effort that kosher can and should do. Every time ejaculation, normal male sperm release 2 to 5 sprays. In that duration, the sperm produced about 2 to 5 cc. Normal sperm per cc contains 60-200 million sperm. So every man ejaculates, 120 to 1 billion sperm has been removed from his body.
As we know, there are two genes in the sperm. Androsperma are also called gen Y and Gynosperma which we might call a gene X. Gen Y is the gene that allows us a mother pregnant with girls, whereas the gene X is the opposite. If husband and wife are equally dominant X gene was then the most likely, both will have a daughter. But if the father dominant gene Y and X genes of the mother then the chances of the children born are male. Nevertheless, it is counting logic that never beat the wonders of nature and power of God.
How to calculate ovulation or peak fertility of a woman:
Known date of the beginning of the net of a woman every month, for example, every December 05.
Known date of the end of the net of a woman every month, for example, every December 27.
The formula: ((date each month) - (date of each month)) / 2 = n;
then n + date of the beginning of the net from a woman = time of ovulation or peak fertile period of a woman
(27-05) / 2 = 11; 05 + 11 = 16 - a day to the 16 of the net early on a woman is the culmination of a woman's fertile period or ovulation
Characteristics of spermatozoa:
Androsperma, carrying the Y gene:
- Moving more slowly.
- More able to survive much longer (the average age of approximately 2 to 3 days).
- More resistant in the 'atmosphere' of acid.
- No resistance in the 'atmosphere' bases.
- Having a Specific Gravity (BJ) lighter.
Gynosperma, carries a gene X:
- Moving more nimbly.
- Life is shorter (average age approximately only 1 day only)
- No resistance in the 'atmosphere' of acid.
- More resistant in the 'atmosphere' bases.
- Having a Specific Gravity (BJ) is more severe.
If Men Want Children. If you are a couple who want to want a baby boy, there are tips from the results of a study that you can do. First, you should have intercourse at the time or the day before ovulation. Ovulation is when the release of eggs from the ovaries in a woman's womb.
The next way is to moisten the vagina by a liter of water is first mixed with 2 (two) tablespoons of baking soda. Besides eating seafood and meat is also very helpful in this process. And most important of the above series of business is, the husband must remove sperm as close to the mouth of the uterus. This is expected to accelerate Gynosperma made their way to fertilize the egg.
If the Want Daughter. If you are the couples who wanted girls, there are a few tips you can do. Pertma see schedule your intimate relationships. Perform an intimate relationship 2 days to 3 days before ovulation. The next step, prior to intercourse, the wife could wash the vagina with one liter of water mixed with one tablespoon of vinegar.
This solution was not harmful. Acid in the vinegar water solution is useful for disabling Androsperma who played a major role to form male genes. In addition, the candidate should spend sperm dad does not like the way the above, but rather take the distance to the mouth of the uterus. This method allows to get a baby girl. Consuming acid foods such as yogurt, fruit with a sour taste, fresh vegetables and nuts also help the process.
But once again do not forget, humans try to Allah who nevertheless have a plan.
Male or female alike. The words we often hear from couples who are waiting for the arrival of baby. But sometimes in their hearts, there is a desire that can not be denied that they have no hope for children born to women or men. Can we design a child born as a male or female? Can!
The first attempt to do, of course pray and ask him directly on the Creator of Life. Alternatively, effort-effort that kosher can and should do. Every time ejaculation, normal male sperm release 2 to 5 sprays. In that duration, the sperm produced about 2 to 5 cc. Normal sperm per cc contains 60-200 million sperm. So every man ejaculates, 120 to 1 billion sperm has been removed from his body.
As we know, there are two genes in the sperm. Androsperma are also called gen Y and Gynosperma which we might call a gene X. Gen Y is the gene that allows us a mother pregnant with girls, whereas the gene X is the opposite. If husband and wife are equally dominant X gene was then the most likely, both will have a daughter. But if the father dominant gene Y and X genes of the mother then the chances of the children born are male. Nevertheless, it is counting logic that never beat the wonders of nature and power of God.
How to calculate ovulation or peak fertility of a woman:
Known date of the beginning of the net of a woman every month, for example, every December 05.
Known date of the end of the net of a woman every month, for example, every December 27.
The formula: ((date each month) - (date of each month)) / 2 = n;
then n + date of the beginning of the net from a woman = time of ovulation or peak fertile period of a woman
(27-05) / 2 = 11; 05 + 11 = 16 - a day to the 16 of the net early on a woman is the culmination of a woman's fertile period or ovulation
Characteristics of spermatozoa:
Androsperma, carrying the Y gene:
- Moving more slowly.
- More able to survive much longer (the average age of approximately 2 to 3 days).
- More resistant in the 'atmosphere' of acid.
- No resistance in the 'atmosphere' bases.
- Having a Specific Gravity (BJ) lighter.
Gynosperma, carries a gene X:
- Moving more nimbly.
- Life is shorter (average age approximately only 1 day only)
- No resistance in the 'atmosphere' of acid.
- More resistant in the 'atmosphere' bases.
- Having a Specific Gravity (BJ) is more severe.
If Men Want Children. If you are a couple who want to want a baby boy, there are tips from the results of a study that you can do. First, you should have intercourse at the time or the day before ovulation. Ovulation is when the release of eggs from the ovaries in a woman's womb.
The next way is to moisten the vagina by a liter of water is first mixed with 2 (two) tablespoons of baking soda. Besides eating seafood and meat is also very helpful in this process. And most important of the above series of business is, the husband must remove sperm as close to the mouth of the uterus. This is expected to accelerate Gynosperma made their way to fertilize the egg.
If the Want Daughter. If you are the couples who wanted girls, there are a few tips you can do. Pertma see schedule your intimate relationships. Perform an intimate relationship 2 days to 3 days before ovulation. The next step, prior to intercourse, the wife could wash the vagina with one liter of water mixed with one tablespoon of vinegar.
This solution was not harmful. Acid in the vinegar water solution is useful for disabling Androsperma who played a major role to form male genes. In addition, the candidate should spend sperm dad does not like the way the above, but rather take the distance to the mouth of the uterus. This method allows to get a baby girl. Consuming acid foods such as yogurt, fruit with a sour taste, fresh vegetables and nuts also help the process.
But once again do not forget, humans try to Allah who nevertheless have a plan.
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