Benefits of Soy Milk Prevent Osteoporosis  

16 Feb 2011

Benefits of Soy Milk Prevent Osteoporosis 

During this time milk is known as one of the drinks are good for bones and can prevent osteoporosis. But if the milk comes from soy beans can also prevent osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease where bone density began to decrease. When someone has osteoporosis, then the connection between bone mineral becomes thinner which causes weak bones and increased risk of fractures (broken bones).

Soy milk is a beverage made from soy beans are ground and sieved, some milk is sometimes fortified (added) with calcium, vitamins B, E and D. Now a recent evidence suggests that soy milk can also help prevent osteoporosis.

Soy milk is known to contain healthy isoflavones known as phytoestrogen, which is a chemical compound that shows estrogen-like effects in the human body. Recently, the influence of soy milk to which had been menopausal peempuan analyzed.

Based on research from the Linus Pauling Institute is known that estrogen effects of phytoestrogens may help to preserve and maintain bone. This result was also revealed in a study conducted by LM Chiechi and colleagues and reported in maturity: An International Journal of midlife Health and Beyond in 2002....Benefits of Soy Milk Prevent Osteoporosis 

The quality of these phytoestrogens have attracted attention for use in preventing osteoporosis and help control keurasakan bone. Phytoestrogen in soy is believed to have an effect capable of stimulating the metabolism and build bone.

The process is coordinated by the bone building cells known as osteoblastic, bone damage was stimulated by cell osteoclastical. Starting from childhood until the age of 20 is dominated by the process of bone osteoblastic cells so that bone growth. ...Benefits of Soy Milk Prevent Osteoporosis

To help build the bone up to any age and can prevent osteoporosis through diet and exercise. By eating 2 cups of soy milk every day is enough to help the body build bone and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

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