When to Start Toddlers Glad Mingle  

6 Feb 2011

When to Start Toddlers Glad Mingle 

Humans are social creatures who like to mingle. Even since the toddler, the desire to socialize it has emerged. How old toddler has begun to love hanging out?

According to experts, the development of infants and toddlers Victoria J Youcha, toddlers begin to love socializing with friends balitanya when it reaches the age of 2 years.

Although at that age children do not understand the basics of friendship and cooperation, such as listening, responding, taking turns or sharing, but he will enjoy playing alongside other children, watching and imitating the other kids do or say.

This behavior is called associative play and is a great way for children to learn from other kids. Generally, children will learn social skills from one another and build their own creativity. While the conflict between the child is a child's first step in learning to cooperate and share.

Then when the child turns age 3, he may already have one or two special friends like friends to share and play for 1-2 hours without fighting each other.

According to Victoria as reported from babycenter, Tuesday (01/02/2011), when still under 12 months of a child is generally more fun to play alone and not bother my friends around him.

"Even so at the age of 12 months before the baby starts fascinated with other babies, they will explore each other as well as when they explore the toys," says Victoria. ...When to Start Toddlers Glad Mingle

Exploration carried out by this baby could be entertaining or just annoying parents, because of the way this exploration tends to be accompanied by weeping tears and screams too happy children at play. ,,,When to Start Toddlers Glad Mingle

After that when he was signed between 1-2 years, toddlers will be involved in something that is known as 'parallel play', namely how to play where the children sit side by side playing with other children but not actually interact, other than to retrieve a toy.

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